The most animated person on our team? That honor goes to Mary Gray.
Double first name, and double the energy most of us have in the morning (without coffee no less), Mary Gray shines when she’s got a mic in hand. Whether she’s hosting a large group event, a strategy session, or a drawing party, she’s most satisfied when she’s making meaning for people—a spark that regularly brings joy to our clients (and our team). Fueled by lemon water and a love of music, these days you’re most likely to catch her jamming out to Brandi Carlile, Phish, or John Prine.
Mary Gray has always had a knack for using a deck to make a point. When she was a child, she gave a Powerpoint presentation to prove that she should be allowed to sit in the front seat of the car, complete with average height data, quotes from her pediatrician, and recommendations from the Department of Health.